Winter Prep Items From NCT & Why You Need Them
When winter’s biting at the door and you’re dealing with problems in your water utility, it’s not the time to discover that you don’t have what you need to fix the problem. Fortunately, there are a wide range of solutions that we’ve developed at New Concept Tools that help your crew get the job done and get out of the cold as quickly as possible. Here’s a quick look at a few of the options you have available that makes your prep kit more complete and your winter go more smoothly.
Valve Box Cleaner:
You need to get to the valve to shut down the water main because of issues in the system, but it’s covered with snow and debris. The easiest way to remove that snow and debris from your valve boxes is by using our Valve Box Cleaner. You’ll have everything uncovered and be onto the next item on your list in no time!
Ratcheting Gate Wrench:
Sometimes you don’t have the clearance you need or need to get a gate valve closed very quickly. Our ratcheting gate wrench provides a fast solution with ratcheting action, making it easy to close the valve as quickly as possible so that you can move on to the next task on your list.
Rounded Nut Grabber:
Out on the job and just can’t get an operating nut to grab? When an operating nut has been rounded off or otherwise damaged, it can equal a lot of extra time spent out in the cold. Fortunately, our Rounded Nut Grabber makes it easy to get a great grip on that ornery valve stem so that you can still get it done and get on with your day.
Tee Handle Gate Wrench:
When frost heaves cause your water mains to break, you need to close those gate valves! Our Tee Handle Gate Wrench makes it easy to get the leverage you need to get them closed so that you can get on with your repairs. Simply line it up, spin it around and get going back to the shop.
Pipe Descaler:
When you need to install a repair clamp, have you thought about how you’re going to clean up the existing pipe to get a solid connection? Our Pipe Descaler makes the process go much more smoothly by using a basic motion to knock off all the old crud that has built up on the pipe over time, giving you a fresh surface to clamp onto.
Deep Well Socket Set:
When repair clamps need to be installed after a cold-weather main break, there’s nothing as frustrating as having to deal with wrenches because your sockets don’t reach deeply enough to finish tightening the connection. Our Deep Well Socket Set is designed with repair clamps in mind, making it easy to work at your depth.
Hydrant Flags:
Of course, the best way to deal with a repair to your hydrants over the winter is to avoid having to repair it in the first place. The best way to accomplish this is to make sure that snowplows and drivers can see where your hydrants are buried in the snow. Our hydrant flags make this process extremely easy.
By staying on top of your preparations for deep winter, you can help keep your crew out of the cold by providing them with the tools they need to work as quickly and efficiently as possible. But what if you’re not sure which of these options is the best for a limited budget? The experienced professionals at New Concept Tools are standing by to help with whatever your needs may be this winter. Please feel free to reach out today to get started with quality tools that help your crew get the job done fast.