Fix Out-of-Round Tubing With Our Combo Flare & Rerounding Tool
When your crew is out in the field, running into out-of-round copper tubing can cause serious delays in getting the job done. Occasionally, they may run into an older fitting that still requires a flared connection that is often more common in gas fittings today. In either situation, having to return to the shop or go to the hardware store to find a tool to make do takes time and still may not provide you with the results you need to accomplish the task. Fortunately, that’s why New Concept Tools exists – to develop the tools your water utility needs. We provide tools that provide superior performance in the field. Here’s more information about our Combo Flare & Rerounding Tool.
We’ve all had it happen – in a pinch, you tried to make a tool work that couldn’t do the job or even ended up causing harm to a fitting or a crew member in the process. Rounding tools are not always easy to use. Standard rounding tools can have a poor grip, making it easy to slip, causing an injury. When you run into flared connections, standard flaring tools used for gas may not be capable of creating a flare large enough or of the proper shape to make a proper connection. What can you do when you run into this situation? Our solution is to get a better tool.
The Combo Flare & Rerounding Tool takes the rounding and flare tools and puts them into a single tool specifically designed for the water utility industry. To combat the grip problems that are common when you are working in and around water, we’ve added a larger grip area and knurled the handle. This gives you a much better grip, allowing you to operate it more safely.
To return a piece of tubing to round using the tool, you can simply drive the tool in part way. Unlike other rounding tools, we designed the tool to have a longer tubing end to ensure better rounding. It’s also bored out to reduce the tool’s overall weight while still providing strong performance. To flare a piece of tubing, the tool is driven in all the way.
We’ve also machined pressure relief ports into the design. This helps to prevent the tool from rebounding, which can be a problem when back-pressure develops while it’s being used to round or flare the tubing. We’ve developed the tool in a wide range of sizes to meet all your needs, from ¾” through 2″. Because of the moisture that is inherent in work environments for water utilities, we’ve added a black oxide finish to the tool to help inhibit corrosion, keeping the tool in excellent condition and ready for work for many years.
The Combo Flare & Rerounding Tool can help get your water utility job done while providing years of reliable service for those tough situations. It’s one of many tools that we’ve developed specifically for water utilities since our founding. Our mission has been and is the development of tools that better meet the needs of our water utility clients. If you’re ready to invest in the right tools to help your crew get the job done faster, more safely and more efficiently, please feel free to contact us today to get started.