How to Safely Install a Hydrant
When you're working with heavy items on a daily basis, the risk of injury is a very real danger that can take you, your employees or your team out of the action for a significant amount...
When you're working with heavy items on a daily basis, the risk of injury is a very real danger that can take you, your employees or your team out of the action for a significant amount...
If you've ever had to install or replace a gate valve, you know how heavy, bulky, and awkward they can be to move effectively. Adding insult to injury, waterworks employees often work in wet conditions, making...
When you're working in the industrial underbelly of the waterworks industry, you've seen a little bit of everything. The junk that was flushed down a drain that backed up a full circuit of your system. The...
In the waterworks industry, when you need access to a valve, you need access to it fast. Whether it's a failed valve that needs to be replaced, a quick service change or a bad leak down...
When your job is in the waterworks industry, it can be tempting to try to make due with tools that just aren't made to take the abuse. But the damage that can happen from these tools...
There's no doubt that when you're dealing with an emergency, you'll have several other things go wrong as well. One of the most frustrating experiences for any waterworks employee is needing to turn a nut that...
When you need to get the job done, you don't have a lot of time to spend tracking down the tools you need. Fortunately, New Concept Tools has provided a solution to help you get what...
When you're in the waterworks industry, you'd think something as simple as a gate valve wrench would be, well, simple. Unfortunately, this often isn't the case. Whether you're working in tight quarters that make it difficult to...
Do you have a client who needs higher levels of security on their service lines to ensure an uninterrupted flow of water and to maintain safety? Maybe you have trouble areas and just shutting off the...
Winter is here, and so is water main break season. The freeze and thaw cycle of frost causes mains to shift out of position and eventually break. These breaks lead to leaks and damage in your...