How to Lift a Gate Valve Safely
If you've ever had to install or replace a gate valve, you know how heavy, bulky, and awkward they can be to move effectively. Adding insult to injury, waterworks employees often work in wet conditions, making...
If you've ever had to install or replace a gate valve, you know how heavy, bulky, and awkward they can be to move effectively. Adding insult to injury, waterworks employees often work in wet conditions, making...
It's paving season - what's the best way to raise your service box to meet the new grade of pavement? When it comes to getting the job done right, there's nothing like being able to walk...
Are you tired of dealing with stubborn valve stems or having to find a wrench every time you need to open or close a commonly used valve? What about emergencies when every moment counts? If you...
When you're trying to access an underground valve via a valve or service box, having to deal with a mess of dirt and debris that has washed into the box can really slow you down. Cleaning...
Tools. When you work in the water utility industry, you know that your crew's efficiency is only as good as the tools they have available for use. Unfortunately, it's easy to get sucked into using what's...
When winter's biting at the door and you're dealing with problems in your water utility, it's not the time to discover that you don't have what you need to fix the problem. Fortunately, there are a...
When you work in the water utility industry, there are any number of tools that you put to use on a daily basis. But how many of them are really designed for the job and how...
You've been in the water utility industry long enough to know the routine. As soon as storm season hits, everything goes crazy. Snowplows take out your hydrants. You're repairing a broken water main when you realize...
When you're in the waterworks industry, it's important that you have high-quality tools to get the job done. Unfortunately, though you'd think something as simple as a gate valve wrench would be simple, this often isn't...
Waterworks utility crews frequently need to access, clean, and work on service valve and curb boxes in the field. This requires multiple tools including cleaners, valve keys and wrenches to work with different types of valves...